

General Manager


Resulting from the merger between two flour mills created in the last century and whose origins date back to 1904

M.C.S.R (Minoteries des Centre et Sahel Réunies) is located in the heart of the city of Sousse, enjoying a strategic position covering the entire Tunisian territory.

The company takes care of all the stages of transformation of soft wheat into flour and durum wheat into semolina. The combination of its century-old know-how with the latest technological innovations has enabled it to dominate its market with products that meet the most stringent requirements.

With its absolute national leadership, the flour mill has more than 250 employees and a production capacity of 900 tons/day of durum wheat and 450 tons/day of soft wheat.

Company Name M.C.S.R
Establishment 1984
General Manager Kamel BELKHIRIA
Deputy General Manager Abdelwahab Missaoui
Sector Cereals and derivatives
Activity Wheat crushing
Number of employees 258
Annual production capacity/year
456,000 Tons

Contact Details

Hedi Nouira Avenue 4003 Sousse, Tunisia

(+216)73 215 600

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